Morawski Family Manor in Marcinkowice - Obiekt - VisitMalopolska

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Dwór Morawskich Marcinkowice

Morawski Family Manor in Marcinkowice

Jednopiętrowy dwór o białych ścianach i dachu krytym czerwoną dachówką, z kolumnowymi gankami w elewacjach przedniej i tylnej. Przed pałacykiem zadbany trawnik i kilka drzew, z tyłu również drzewa.

Marcinkowice 1, 33-395 Marcinkowice Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 184433185
Józef Piłsudski took up quarters in the manor of Alfred Fauck (after the war the manor belonged to the Morawski Family) on the night of December 5, 1914. The future Marshal arrived there, after he overtook the remaining Austro-Hungarian forces by several kilometres, while chasing the Russians retreating from Limanowa, as the commander of several battalions of the First Brigade of the Polish Legions. At present, the building houses a school and a small “Legionaries in Marcinkowice” Historical Museum.

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